July 24th - Aug 10th

Since 2022, a team from NCCC churches have been traveling to Indonesia for a two-week mission trip to support Gods work through K-PACT, a non-profit focused on global missions and evangelism. K-PACT partners with local churches to establish community centers in villages, offering education to children in financial need, teaching agriculture, and providing rice to struggling families. This outreach creates opportunities to share the gospel in a Muslim-majority country. Participants in the mission trip can be part of this impactful work, joining for either one week or the full two-week trip.


  • Willing to share your testimony.
  • Be able to share about the ministry in Indonesia for their church.
  • Prepare and lead a devotion for the team during the trip in Indonesia.
  • You must get approval from your local pastor or church leader.
  • Participation in the mission trip requires a commitment to engaging in fundraising activities.

Travel requirements

  • Must speak English fluently. We communicate in English with our partners in Indonesia. Translators to Indonesian will be provided as needed.
  • Necessary vaccinations recommended for travel to Indonesia, check your government’s travel recommendations.


  • Estimated travel expenses: 15000 NOK (flight ticket) + 4000 NOK (other transportation, food, accommodation)
  • It is possible to get financial support from the NCCC Network, contact your local pastor for details.
  • There will be a fundraising initiative to support the mission trip.

Experience God and the joy of serving others

Share the gospel to the local community

Use your gifts in children ministry

Visit schools, teach English and Chinese

Use sports to reach the community

Offer medical care


"Mission trips transform the people who go as much as they help people we serve."
"Seeing God’s work will expand your understanding of who he is, how much he loves you and the power of the gospel."

Registration open January 5th 2025

The registration deadline is April 1st 2025.
Please contact your local pastor/leader if interested!

Team Schedule

April1Registration deadline
May11Team meeting
 25Team meeting
June15Team meeting
 29Team meeting
July6Team meeting
Note: Will be held at Summer Camp
 21Team meeting
 24Mission Trip Week 1
August10Mission Trip Week 2

Week 1

25 FriTeam Arrive in Jakarta
26 SatTeam arrive in Pontianak
27 SunAttend sunday service and prep for BTCC
28 MonLeave for BTCC
29-31 Tue-ThurVillage
1 FriActivity with BTCC
2 SatTraveling back to Pontianak
3 SunAttend Sunday service (GKNI)

Week 2

4 Mon Joyful school + Community work
5 Tue Joyful school + Community work
6 Wed Joyful school + Community work
7 Thur Last day in Joyful school
8 Fri Fly back to Jakarta
9 Sat Team fly home