What is Easter Camp?

NCCC joint Next Gen ministry have hold annual Easter Camp since many, many years ago. We want to take this time to remember what Jesus Christ did for us and how that transforms our lives even today. We hope to provide a place to get renewed, reminded and refreshed with God’s word and fellowship.

Join us this Easter for a transformative time of faith, fellowship, and celebration! Together, we’ll remember the incredible love and sacrifice of Jesus, rejoicing in the hope and victory we have in Him.

During these days there will be talks, discussions, games, and activities, and it will be a chance to meet new and old friends.

Who is it for?

We welcome everyone to join the camp, so bring your friends as well if they are interested!

The content of the camp primarily targets people in the age of 16-35 years old, however more mature people are also warmly encouraged to join us.

The program will be held in English.

The camp is a joint venture by NCCC (Nordic Chinese Christian Church), but whether you are christian or not, you are warmly welcome.

Camp Fee

Student/unemployed: 670kr/60e
Others: 780kr/70e

FINLAND: Ah Woon Chan, MobilePay/Revolut +358 45 273 8982
NORWAY: Enoch Chui, Vipps 694652
SWEDEN: Iris Chen, Swish +46 72 323 0921

A valid registration requires both filled registration form and the payment of camp fee.


Meet at the Stockholm C (Central Station) by the McDonalds on Fri 18th 17:00. 
Departure will be after 11:00 on Mon 21st and you will be back at Stockholm C around 12:34.

Alternatively you can drive to campsite Drakudden Läger & KursgÃ¥rd, Smidövägen 17, 197 91 BRO, arrive Fri 18th by 18:00 for dinner.

Packing List

Something to take notes with
Pillow case, bed sheet and quilt cover
Toiletries (toothbrush, towels, shampoo, etc.)
Sufficient clothes
Slippers (the floors might be cold)
Bible (physical or electronic)
Snacks if you like to snack!

Registration open 23th Feb – 16th March


Where is the camp site?

  • Easter Camp will be held in Drakudden, a place in Sweden, near Stockholm. (Map below)

Do I need to bring money?

  • If you are traveling by public transport, you need to bring enough money for the bus tickets. It should be around 70 SEK. 
  • You will not need money during the camp, as all meals are covered by the camp fee.

Are there any camp rules?

Yes! You will be asked to agree on them in the registration form.

  • Always listen to and cooperate with your group leaders
  • Be on time for all meetings
  • You are not allowed to change rooms without permission from the camp committee
  • You are not allowed to be in the rooms of people of the opposite gender
  • Don’t leave the campsite without permission from the camp committee
  • Smoking, gambling, alcohol, or drugs are strictly forbidden
  • Keep the campsite clean
  • Don’t swim alone in the lake
  • If any camp property is damaged, please contact a leader
  • Take care of your own stuff. We are not responsible for anything lost or stolen.

Contact us by email nextgen@nccc.se or in social media @ncccnextgen!